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Vindhya Process Solutions is one of the Best Scanning Company in Noida.

Scanning and Digitization refers to the process of scanning paper documents and converting them to electronic documents, capturing important information and saving the document for easy retrieval later.  

Scanning is reading a text quickly in order to find specific information, e.g. figures or names. It can be contrasted with skimming, which is reading quickly to get a general idea of meaning. Learners need to learn different ways and understand that choosing how to read is an important step in building reading skills.

Digitization is the process of converting information into a digital format . For example, an original historical document may only be accessible to people who visit its physical location, but if the document content is digitized, it can be made available to people worldwide.

How it is done?

Files are scanned through Image Scanners may be Automatic Data Feeder (ADF), Book Scanner or Flatbed Scanners making searchable pdf documents along with indexing and meta data entry which helps to search the contents of the files.  The metadata entry  – Entry done in excel with the particulars of files or books which are scanned so that the files can be searched easily.

Any size of documents can be scanned and digitized from A0-A5 and legal size paper no matter how old and fragile they are. Fragile and old documents are taken care of so that they are not torn and damaged.

Software used – Kodak Capture, ABBY Fine Reader, Acrobat Reader Pro,  Irfan View and ScanTools for OMR Scanning

Scanners available – Mustek idot100, Fujitsu 7180, Kodak i2600 and i2800 Scanners, OMR Scanner OpScan 6 


Best Scanning company in Noida


Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) sheets are specially designed documents that are used for collecting data through the process of optical mark recognition. OMR technology involves the use of a scanner or imaging device to detect marked positions on the sheet. OMR sheets typically have a grid of bubbles or checkboxes that respondents can mark to indicate their responses.

Here are some key features of OMR sheets:

Grid Structure: OMR sheets have a predefined grid structure where each question or response option corresponds to a specific location on the sheet. Respondents mark their answers by filling in or shading the corresponding bubble or checkbox.

Marking Mechanism: Respondents use pencils or pens to make marks on the OMR sheets. The marks need to be made within the designated areas accurately for proper recognition.

Scanning: After respondents complete the OMR sheets, the sheets are scanned using OMR scanners. These scanners use optical sensors to detect the presence or absence of marks in the designated areas.

Data Extraction: The scanned images are then processed using OMR software, which interprets the marked positions and extracts the data. The software can convert the marked responses into digital data for further analysis.

Applications: OMR sheets are commonly used in various fields, such as education (for multiple-choice exams), surveys, and data collection forms where standardized responses are required.

Accuracy and Efficiency: OMR technology is known for its accuracy and efficiency in processing large volumes of data quickly. It is widely used in scenarios where manual data entry would be time-consuming and prone to errors.

OMR sheets are a popular choice for assessments and surveys due to their ease of use and the ability to automate the data collection process. They are especially beneficial when dealing with large-scale examinations or surveys with a high number of participants.

              Scanning of OMR Sheets

OMR Scanners are used for OPTICAL MARK READER SHEET (OMR SHEET) which is a technically designed sheet used in objective type examinations or any other data which has multiple choice options to be filled by the applicant. 

OMR Scanner picks up the bubbles filled by the applicant and that is scanned by OMR Scanners. The data is captured in .dat file and then the database is created for further processing. 

              Scanning of documents

Image Scanners are used for this. The images are captured by the system and files are stored by the reference numbers so that pages can be searched further.

These Scanners takes the image as it is may be a A4 documents or kind of document. The Cleaning of image if required is done and searchable pdfs are made for document searching. 

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